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Dear UI scholarship, I have known alda for 8 months.  She was born on the 6th December 2001,in Jakarta. She is not only nice but also smart,and can make people laugh She hates physic so much but she loves biology. She admits herself was so tempramental so she usually use her emotion over something. In elementary school and junior high school,she reached the third place highest score national exam.Alda loves reading English book and also webtoon.She always late back to her home because she likes to play or work at school before go back to her home. She good at time management,especially between OSIS and extracurriculer.  Alda can play instrument such as guitar and ukulele. She loves TAYLOR SWIFT so much(i don’t know why). She is so independent at all and like to do things all alone. She also quite good to speak english better than me. Now,she is confuse to enter a college. Me as her bestfriend is confuse too, because i think she is good at all. But i want her to enter FIB
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Last month my school hold event called Edu Passion,the event invited many universities to came to my school. The purpose of the event for shared senior high shool student who want to enter university. I visited ITS (Institut Sepuluh November Surabaya) stand and I talked college student many things. In 2017 ,they have won International Robotic Competition. ITS is good technic university in Indonesia.

My Weakness,Strength,and Plans

WEAKNESS STRENGTH ·       Bad in physic ·       I ’ m not really good in English ·       Not confidence ·       I think I can do a little bit art this thing can be my goals ·       I love to manage anything ·       I can calculate except calculate physic and I can quickly memorize MY PLANS for MY FUTURE PLAN A                      : Go to School of Business and Management ITB,becaise I think this faculty match with my passion. But sometimes I still confused about this plan because i'm not confidence at all.   PLAN B                      : Go to Interior design ITB because I love doing art. PLAN C                      : Another plan to go to Economy Business UI,but I still confused too. *I used to have plan to enter Faculty og Dentistry UNAIR ,but right now I’m still confused,I think it’s hard for me to treat patients. But this plan still temporary for me.



How Towns Have Arisen Most villages and towns on the British Isles came into being because of their favourable situation for trade. Rather more than a hundred years ago, a great change came over the land. Many machines  were invented  about that time. Spinning and weaving, for example,  which  had previously  been done  by hand,  were done  by machinery that  were driven  by water or steam-power. The work which usually  was done  in the houses of the people began to be carried on in large mills or factories, and workers found it convenient to live near them. More and more factories  were built  and men and women left the country districts in great numbers and crowded into towns. Since then the movement of people into towns has been going on until now. England   is dotted  with great cities. All over Britain, and especially in those parts were the coal needed for power is to be found, there are mining and manufacturing areas, such as the Lancashire cotton district,